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The Growth of Enterprise Pedagogy: How ICT Policy is infected by Neo-liberalism.


Before reading this article, I was definitely convinced that ICT should be used much more through schools in Australia today. However now my opinion is back on the fence.

It made me think about education year and years ago and how everyone got on without ICT. How did Albert Einstein become so successful and smart and he didn’t have the access to ICT’s like many people have today? And what about our elders who are full of history and knowledge who don’t even know how to turn on a computer?

It’s safe to say, I am really thinking about both sides of the ICT debate now.

Brown (2005) poses the question “Why is ICT so important in Australian schools?” If I was asked this question last week, I would be all for nothing but positive feedback about technology in schools. However, I am now curious about the negative aspects and wonder, is so much ICT really needed in schools?

Armstrong and Casement (1998) raise the point about how so much money is being wasted on computers and programs. The companies just get so greedy and competitive; they don’t know when to stop. In my opinion, why do these multi million companies needs all this extra money by ripping off people and bribing them into more programs, software and products, when there are communities and countries out there who can’t even afford a meal, let alone an ipad!! This is the main point that has swayed my opinion on the technology debate.

Technology is also a massive distraction for students in school. I have always thought this is a negative impact on ICT in schools, however I have never really highlighted the issue.

From my own experiences, students do not concentrate half as much as students would have 50 years ago because of the big distraction of social networking.

The main issue would be texting and facebooking during class. What is the point of paying so much money to get an education, when students spend most their time checking phones or facebooking in the library?

Although this article has made me look at the negative side of ICT’s in schools, I am still a believer in the positivity it can bring and the impact on learning it has on students. But I am definitely not 100% for it now. I have always liked things the old fashioned way, but I have never really thought about it with ICT’s in schools.

Before reading this article, I was a firm believer in all the positive aspects ICT brings to students. But now I think about the money side of everything and I am feeling very passionate and bothered by the fact- Why should we have all this access and opportunities to spend money and be ripped off by billionaire companies, when there are families out there who need food, water and a home?

Now I am challenged once again with the question- Is ICT a positive thing to keep promoting in schools today? Well I know my heart and my head have different answers.


A bridge too far? Explaining beginning teachers’ use of ICT in Australian schools.

I think ICT is a continuing aspect of teaching that challenges teachers to use in their classroom every day. Just graduated teachers have more experience in ICT because of doing units, such as this, to extend their knowledge and ideas of cooperating ICT into their lessons.

As I have stated in previous blogs, I believe that ICT is a positive way to teach and learn in the classroom. Not only do the students benefit from it, but also the teachers. It encourages students to be more motivated, engage in class activities and behave appropriately, and I think teachers should be taking advantage of this. I understand that older teachers have different beliefs towards ICT as there wasn’t such resources available when they were at university, to be taught how to use in classrooms. However I feel they should take the time to learn from others, as it has such a positive affect on teaching and learning.

The findings from the study conducted by Frank Bates (2010) shows three different scenarios from 3 teachers- Dawn, how was in a public sector, Mike, in an independent sector and Rashmi, in a catholic sector. The results show how poorly, or good the classrooms and schools were equipped with appropriate ICT. There is not surprise in the results for me. I went to a public highschool, during those years which the study took place. The only technology we used in the classroom would be computers. However that wasn’t very often. Every classroom didn’t even have computers, and the teachers were also not very good at using them! The ICT staff we great, but we would only have them if we selected an ICT class. I think every teacher should be educated in ICT and know how to instruct students how tro use specific programs suitable to the class, and each classroom should atleast have a few computers.

Independent and catholic schools were well equipped according to the study. I remember having friends who were at private schools having their own laptop because it was compulsory and also having mandatory ICT classes every week.

I believe that it is not always the teachers fault if they are not teaching ICT or don’t know enough about it to teach in their class.  For teachers to be able to introduce it into the class and learn for themselves, the school must have adequate technological equipment to start with. Nowadays the use of ICT has positively increased in public schools. My brother, who is in year 12 at the public school I went to, has his own laptop. Although it is not compulsory, at least students are given the option of having their own laptop with specific education applications and programs to help enhance learning.

This study has really supported my beliefs and opinions and I am definitely more of a believer in introducing ICT into every subject in schools. It is very interesting to see how much ICT is on the rise, in just a few years. Primary schools are also introducing each student to have their own ipad, which I think will encourage them to learn more in different ways, and also become more and more familiar with technology that will be useful for future years in school.

Why mobile technology makes sence in the 21st century classroom. Blog entry 3.

It is a known fact that the teacher is the biggest impact on students learning. However, is technology beginning to take over?

Mobile phones, ipads, tablets and computers are playing larger roles in the classroom more and more every year, assisting in learning, analyzing data, collecting data and many more purposes.  A remarkable study by Time Magazine (2012) revealed that students who use mobile technology, such as ipads in the classroom, scored better in literacy tests than those that did not.  I find that extremely interesting, as it shows that students who have these electronic devices, must be interacting more with their school work and learning more.

 If I was still at school, I think I would benefit more from learning on devices such as ipads. It would give me more independence, it’s fun and something different rather than reading a book or listening to a teacher for an hour. I also agree that I would do more school work if it was associated with an ipad. According to the article, it appears students with access to smart phones are studying school related materials more frequently with approximately 40 minutes more per week than students without access. (21st Century Fluency Project, 2012). I find these findings very believable as I know I am more motivated to do my university work with my ipad, laying down on the couch, rather than sit up and a computer for hours.

I believe that technology can only have a positive impact on learning. Bringing it into more lessons during school will create more interactive work with students and teachers, but also individual work which creates flexibility and independence in the classroom and at home. I realize there is still the issue of social networking and games getting in the way on these devices. But I honestly think the learning through technology needs to be introduced more throughout every students schooling life. Everybody will always have social networking applications on their devices, so why not introduce more and more educational techniques to minimize the effects of facebook or interactive games and promote educational strategies and activities in technology.

Too cool for school? No way!

Someone once suggested that technology is all the new stuff that appeared after we were born (Mishra and Koehler, 2009). The use of technology is becoming more and more common in schools throughout every subject area whether its using recording devices, computer programs such as twitter or blogging and musical programs to assist in the arts.

I believe that this is having a positive impact on learning; however I do understand some negative effects it is having on students, teachers and schools.

 I think technology is becoming a bigger issue that it should be. Some argue that it has no educational meaning to it while others argue is should be taken advantage of and be implemented for educational purposes. I agree that it can be used in schools, and teach students and teachers much wider varieties that what is being explored in schools today.

 Mixing technology with original teaching methods is definitely an advantage for students and teachers. It gives the opportunity for students to learn for freely, i.e. have their own responsibility of having their own computer and able to feel more free, rather than sitting at a desk writing the whole time, or reading a book. This is also a positive thing for teachers, as they have the opportunity to learn and experience new ways to teach students, create more fun and maintain their interest.

 I believe the three examples displayed in the article (microblogging, visual search engines and music DJ software) are all fantastic to involve in schools to enhance students learning. For example, using the music DJ software to teach mathematical concepts such as fractions and ratios would definitely engage students more. When I was at high school, we didn’t have that opportunity, but I know if we did, students would actually enjoy learning and stay interested. It swerves away from the numbers, paper and pens and introduces them to new technological software which still teaches the exact same concepts, just in a fun and more interactive way.

 I definitely do agree with the ideas showcased that technology does not only enhance the learning of students, but also teachers because it has lots of benefits that can be used in schools and everyday life. As Mishra and Koehler state “Teachers need to develop a willingness to play with technologies and an openness to building new experiences for students so that fun, cool tools can be educational” (2009).


ICT’s in Education



A site where you can create your own brainstorms for any subject and topic you want. You are able to send, share and save your brainstroms.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages- accessable, quick, easy, make it as big or as small as you need, able to save send and share.

Disadvantages- Can lose data if not saved.

How it can be used in the classroom

– students can use to prepare assignments, teachers can organise and brainstorm lessons

2. WordPress


– Blogging site used to post various topics and allow people to leave comments and feedback

Advantages and Disadvantages

– Advantages- Good to use in a class room when writing reflections, leave constructive feedback

Disadvantages- People might leave inappropriate comments

How it can be used in the classroom

– Students can reflect on books, assignments, readings etc. Teachers can also get intouch with students.

3.Wolfram Alpha


– A site which has information on everything! Shows how to do maths equations, different graphs, weather information, sporting information etc. You can ask any question and it will give an answer.

Advantages and Disadvantages

– Advantages- Help students out with homework, anyone can findout any usueful infromation, shows steps in equations, random people cannot input false data

– Disadvantages- Students might just search their questions on here and not actually work it out, can be copied and pasted.

How it can be used in the classroom

– Teachers can give students tasks on different topics. Students are able to research and find appropriate information they require.

– Teachers can use it as examples when teaching a lesson.

4. Prezi


Create a video/powerpoint on the web about whatever you want. Good for creating ads and promoting things

Advantages and Disadvantages

-Advantages- share, create easily, provides help, create your own advertisement

– Dsiadvantages- May be difficult for some people to use, certain people may not have internet access

How it can be used in the classroom

– Students can use it to create projects, teachers can use it to create lessons

5. Survey Monkey


Website that allows you to create and desing your own survey, then get people to take the survey and analyse results.

Advantages and Disadvantages

-Advantages- easy, free, make up own questions, see results in graphs, confidentiality (no ones name shows), good to gain anonymus feedback,  leave comments.

– Dsiadvantages- Free version doesn’t allow you to view all graphs when seeing results,  can’t print on free version, can’t see who answers what, limited in themes and fonts etc.

How it can be used in the classroom

– Reflection on activities, lessons, helpful for assignments, students make up survey for assigs, rank various topics.

6.  Pixrl


Program where you can open any picture and add effects and text to it. “Free photoshop”

Advantages and Disadvantages

-Advantages- Apply cool effects to pictures, good for comics, useful in art programs, useful in assignments, primary school classrooms.

– Dsiadvantages- Might not have effects needed, only suitable for some learning areas.

How it can be used in the classroom

– Creating comics, assignments, art projects, teacher can display cool pictures for learning

7. Google news

Overview/ description

Search through google finding specific news articles from a long time ago to reacent times.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages- find lots of articles from a long time ago up to current news, find events on specific dates, Accessible from anywhere around the world.

Disadvantages- A bit difficult at first to know where to search.

How it can be used in the classroom

Find specific articles for different subjects, assignments, speeches, research etc, useful for any subject e.g. english- finding articles for an essay.

8. Sportsplan

Overview/ description

Allows you to create and search all sporting activities/ drills for lesson  plans

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages- Has heaps of drills and skills for every sport, allows you to create your own diagram, can save previous work, can select favourite sports, shows videos of drills.

Disadvantages-  Can’t access a whole range of other poeples videos, have to pay to get better diagrams and drills.

How it can be used in the classroom

Teachers can create easy disgrams or find drills quickly for all sports, students can create an activity with diagram


Overview/ description

Website to generate different sorts of designs such as brochures, posters, business cards etc.


Advantage- Quick, easy way to produce different designs, free, heaps of colours and designs to choose from

Disadvantages- Sometimes difficult to change sizes etc. might not suit many needs

How it can be used in the classroom

Various projects such as posters, information display i.e. brochures, creating name cards/ business cards.

10. Comic life

Overview/ description

A program where you can create your own comic stip using pictures, colours and words.


Advantages- Can make activities fun such as creating instructions in a comic strip way, kids enjoy doing things like this.

Disadvantages- Some computers may not have the program, hard for students to access from home.

How it can be used in the classroom

In assignments and tasks such as creating cimic strips for instructions, stories, creative writing, sport activites etc.

Digital Natives

I agree that technology is getting more and more advance and having a major impact in people’s lives more and more, especially children and adolescence. Students have an increase in use of technology because they are given opportunities in schools to have their own laptop. I think that is fair enough, if being used in classrooms, however teenagers are taking advantage of this and using it for other purposes such as social networking. I believe this also increases the rate of cyber bullying which makes me feel like students shouldn’t have the opportunity to have their own laptops unless they are only used for schooling purposes.

Text messaging can be much worse than making a phone call. I agree that adolescence prefer to text than call because of the cost issue, but I also think that in a text message they feel braver and can say what they want. Just like instant messaging on social networks, most of the bullying occurs in messages rather than a face to face conversation or phone call.

I think parents should be monitoring their children’s time on technology after school and weekends. They should be making time limits so children are not getting addicted. I believe parents should also be aware of what their child is doing on the internet in case it leads to them being a bully, or them being the victim.

Teachers should have the chance to learn from students about technology that can be useful in the classroom. Students should be able to share sites and applications with their teacher and the class which would make them feel accomplished and important, yet it is teaching students to find educational activities to do, rather than the same old computer games and social networks.

I believe young children and adolescence can be educated through technology, however it needs to be more encouraged but schools and parents. There is so much young people can learn with technology if they take the time and patience to learn and try shortening the time on video games and social networks.Image